“What type of equipping does Embassy currently offer?”
Think: “As a Christian, do I need to grow in my understanding of these foundational truths?"
Our goal is to equip the saints for the works of ministry. Any 101 Course that we offer revolves around timeless truths that are essential to the Christian life. 101 Courses are usually:
Four week terms
Classroom-style courses
Include homework and/or outside reading with in-class discussion
Must be taken in person
Unchanging content on essential theology like: the gospel, the Bible, etc.
Think: “As a Christian, would a Biblical worldview of these supplemental topics help me engage with the world around me?”
Crash Courses are also designed to equip believers to go out into the world and do good works, but usually revolve around deep-dive topics. While these topics are not central to the gospel, they are often a strong apologetic to a watching world. Crash Courses are usually:
One-time sessions
Monologue and Q & A-style sessions
2 hours max with no pre-work or homework
Can be in person or played back later on via our podcast
Fluctuating content based on our church’s needs or our world’s pace like: finances, politics, marriage, parenting, etc.
101 COURSE: Gospel 101
COMING UP IN 2025: Mondays from Feb 17 - March 10
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Gospel 101 is a four-week course designed to equip people to more fully understand the Gospel, live it out, and feel confident sharing it with others.
This course is open to both adults at Embassy Church and students at The Salt Company.
Gospel 101 will be a pre-requisite to being a leader at Embassy Church and The Salt Company.
If you are a student, more student-only G101 offerings will be available to you in the spring.
While this does not get you credit at IU, it does require outside reading and homework. To get the most out of the course, we recommend you miss no more than one session.
This course is recommended for you if:
- you are interested in being a leader within Embassy Church
- you are looking to grow in your understanding of the Gospel
- you are looking to grow in how you share the Gospel with others